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People Behind Cara Care: Denise Werbnik

Cara Care

Cara Care

Denise Werbnik is the Psychological Content Manager at Cara Care. She has a background in the health space, including work in corporate health management, and is currently studying for a Master of Science degree in Psychology.

What’s your story? How did you end up at Cara Care?

When I was new to Berlin, I talked to a friend who was working at Cara Care. I loved the idea and mission. Today, I am really happy to incorporate psychological aspects into our mission.

What have you learned about digestive health since working here?

The influence of the gut-brain axis on our well-being is easy to underestimate and to forget. Don’t make that mistake! There is a lot left for science to explore and evaluate, but: a happy mind makes a happy gut more likely.

What do you like about your work at Cara Care?

We are overcoming the stigma of GI diseases while bringing fun and knowledge to our users. Talking about the gut can be difficult. We are here to help you to feel heard and less alone.

Cara Care

Cara Care

Zusammen mit einem Team aus Medizinern, Ernährungswissenschaftlern und Datenwissenschaftlern befähigen wir Menschen mit Verdauungsproblemen zu einem gesünderen und glücklicheren Leben. Mit Cara Care haben haben wir in Form einer App deinen ganzheitlichen Begleiter bei Verdauungsbeschwerden entwickelt. Finde HIER heraus, welches unserer Medizinprodukte für dich in Frage kommt und verbessere deine Symptome und deine Lebensqualität!

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