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People Behind Cara Care: Caterina Magro

Jesaja Brinkmann

Jesaja Brinkmann

Caterina Magro is a senior instructional designer here at Cara Care, where she works to ensure that the app experience is educational and engaging for all users. We asked her a few questions about her work here.

1. What’s your story? How did you end up at Cara Care?

My background is in translation and language teaching - but since I started working in the digital world, I expanded my knowledge in the instructional design, behavioral design and user experience areas. My current area of focus are solutions to keep users motivated in achieving their goals. When Cara Care started looking for someone to keep users engaged along their journey within the app, they reached out to me (and I’m very glad they did).

2. What have you learned about digestive health since working here?

A whole lot - but the most interesting part, for me, is how strictly interconnected our guts, brains, and emotions are. This means that taking care of our digestive problems might eventually result in taking better care of ourselves as a whole. For the well-being of our guts, keeping the stress level at bay is as important as following a healthy diet - if not even more!

3. What do you like about your work at Cara Care?

Again, a whole lot! Apart from Cara’s mission and its dedicated and friendly team, I very much appreciate the learning culture within Cara Care. Everyone is seeking opportunities to learn, share, improve - and, most importantly, to give and receive feedback, which is the ultimate booster in any learning process.

Jesaja Brinkmann

Jesaja Brinkmann

Ich bin Jesaja, Mitbegründer von Cara Care. Ich habe Medizin studiert und dann beschlossen, mit unserer beliebten App Cara Care noch mehr Patienten zu helfen. Zusammen mit einem Team aus Medizinern, Ernährungswissenschaftlern und Datenwissenschaftlern befähigen wir Menschen mit Verdauungsproblemen zu einem gesünderen und glücklicheren Leben. Mit Cara Care haben haben wir in Form einer App deinen ganzheitlichen Begleiter bei Verdauungsbeschwerden entwickelt. Finde HIER heraus, welches unserer Medizinprodukte für dich in Frage kommt und verbessere deine Symptome und deine Lebensqualität!

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